It is often said that one of the toughest career paths to navigate is the one leading to playing profitable Tournament Professional Golf.
As a parent, when your child says they want to be like Tiger, Rory, Lydia or Georgina you have some tough decisions to make. How do you keep their dreams alive while keeping their career options open?
You are not the first and you won’t be the last to have to negotiate this conflict. At Edge Golf College, our combined expertise of over thirty years has helped both parents and players understand the huge steps required to go from a scratch player to successfully navigating a career on the Tour.

We have done this before and we are here to help you.
We know the amount of sheer dedication, hard work and talent your child has shown to get to where they are now. That's why we have no educational requirements for you to worry about. At Edge we take each application on its own merit; handicap first, quality of personality second, followed by education history.
It is possible for a player to enroll at Edge and graduate from the University of Central Lancashire with a first class degree in Golf Business Management or Golf Coaching and Performance.
In fact, the whole reason we exist is to help you give your child the best chance of success with their Plan A (their tournament career) whilst giving them an affordable academic safety net at the same time.
We have done this before, our team is very experienced in this area, and we are here to help you develop your child’s future.
Please give us a call to discuss options.